Review: We-Vibe Nova, Hop Trix, and Luxe Arielle

The rabbit is a pretty common style of sex toy. Those little rabbit ears are meant to stimulate the clitoris, while the insertable part can have any number of things from rolling bearings to lights to glitter. And I hate every single one of them.

Well, that’s not entirely true. But as a rule, I Do Not Like Dual Stimulation Toys. I threw three toys in the ring to battle it out for this review to see how they stack up. Let’s see how they did.

[A hot, crowded arena. Multicolored lights blind attendees momentarily. The bass line of an incomprehensible song shakes the collective audiences’ ribcage. In the center of the arena, an empty boxing ring. Taryn stands at the center in a glittery tuxedo, ready to address the crowd from the microphone.]

In this corner, we have this purple shitshow, the Hop Trix! Bringing three vibration patterns and four speeds to the table, this promising newcomer from Blush Novelties promises to change the way you feel about rabbit vibes. Unfortunately, those promises just can’t be kept! It’s buzzy, the USB charging port is a fickle bastard, and it feels like a clamp on my clit. No amount of pre-game pumping up will make up for anatomy-incompatible design!

[The crowd gives a smattering of half-hearted applause and cheers as the lights flicker to purple, mirroring the toy’s typical sex toy purple shade. They are anxious to see the other competitors.]

In this corner, we have little boy blue, the Luxe Arielle! Two AAA batteries power this little engine that could with two motors, a waterproof silicone casing, and ten vibrating patterns. This little blue devil is surprisingly rumbly for its size and battery-reliance, though the rabbit ears don’t quite reach the right spot on my clit. This makes for awkward angling, and even though the motor has promise, the construction just doesn’t hold up.

[The crowd musters some more enthusiasm as blue lights bathe the arena in aqua shimmers, cheering for their second rate would-be champion.]

And in this corner, we have the reigning champion, the We-Vibe Nova! This pink monster comes with a magnetic charging port, app compatibility, a low-power alert indicator, and 10+ vibration modes. This toy has something the other vibes don’t have– flexibility. The arm on the Nova doesn’t stick straight out like the Trix and Arielle, but instead bends towards, and then away, from the body. This allows for more customized clitoral stimulation, regardless of the distance between your vaginal opening and clitoris.

[The crowd thunders their appreciation on the We-Vibe challenger, they know a tough competitor when they see one. They await the final verdict, erupting in cheers when the winner is announced. The lights in the arena explode into pinks and reds to illuminate the color of the winner.]

And the winner is… The We-Vibe Nova! The reigning champ defeats the competitors with its skill and dexterity. We-Vibe sure knows how to make ’em!

In all seriousness though, outside of the ring, the Nova is absolutely my favorite. I use that one regularly on my own, whereas the Trix and Arielle were obligations to use for review purposes. There are mixed reviews about the app, but I personally love it. The Nova is much quieter than its competitors, especially the Arielle, and with the addition of the waterproofing to make clean up a breeze, dual motors, and flexing design, the Nova takes the cake.

Thanks to SheVibe for sending me the Trix and Arielle to review! All opinions are my own, and the Nova was purchased on my own. If you’d like to work with me, contact me here! Other places you can find me are on Patreon and Twitter.