Hi there! I’m Taryn, a 29-year-old asexual and biromantic cat mom with a coffee addiction. I started this blog in a fit of inspiration in early 2017 because I wanted a space where I could talk about sex (and all that comes with it) through the lens of asexuality.

I started writing as an angsty teenager and continued through college with my literature degree. I thought I wanted to teach, but then realized I don’t really enjoy being around kids. So I switched gears and began writing web content for a marketing agency. That’s expanded into my current career, in which I optimize websites big and small for better performance in search engines like Google. During the day, I’m at my desk writing about search engines. Come evening, I’m on my couch writing about sex… or playing video games with my husband. 

img_6528Some ace people are sex-repulsed; I’m not. I write about sex toys, books about gender and sex psychology, my own experiences, and whatever else strikes my fancy. I wanted to provide more education around how asexuality can coexist with sex, dating, relationships, marriage, masturbating… or not!

So I’m here. If you want to contact me, email (aceintheholeblog@gmail.com) and Twitter are the best ways to find me! 

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