Hey there, Alex from Sexology Bae here! I’m beyond excited to write this guest post about one of my favorite topics, ethical non-monogamy or ENM. As a twentysomething, within my lifetime I’ve seen ENM go from a relatively unknown alternative lifestyle more commonly associated with kink communities to a better-known…
Using Jealousy to Your Advantage: How to Listen to Your Gut
I’m not necessarily a jealous person, but I do have an overactive imagination. Pair that with anxiety, and I’m The Most Worried Girl, Jumping to Conclusions in a Single Bound! If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that if something feels off, it probably is… but maybe not in the…
The Art Of Checking In: Make Your Relationship Better One Week At A Time

In passing last week on Twitter, I mentioned that my fiance and I have weekly check-ins. This lead to questions about what’s entailed, and I thought that the process deserved a little more elaboration than I could fit in a thread of tweets. So, here’s a whole post about the…
Faking It: Why You Should Bang, Even When You Don’t Want To
Disclaimer: This isn’t a post about how you should do things that you really don’t want to. If something is on your no list, don’t do it. If you’re not in a mental headspace to engage in play with your partner, don’t do it. But if you’re both on the…
My First Yes/No/Maybe List: And Why You Should Have One

I got my introduction to Yes/No/Maybe lists from the inimitable Bex of Bex Talks Sex. They, like me, use spreadsheets to a fault, and posted about Yes/No/Maybe lists on their own blog.
10 Ways to Maintain Intimacy Without Sex

Asexuality, like other sexualities and genders, is a spectrum. That means there are some people, like me, who really enjoy having sex despite identifying as ace. Other people don’t enjoy it, or just can’t tolerate it at all. But sex isn’t the only thing– physical or otherwise– that fosters intimacy.…