Hello, lovely reader! I’m Dr. Liz Powell, the psychologist, author, and speaker behind DrLizPowell.com and one-half of UnfuckYourPolyamory.com. I believe that Great Sex Can Change the World and I’m writing this guest post to help you have better dates/sex/whatever with the non-binary people in your life. However, I don’t want…
Ethical Non-Monogamy 101: Language & Inclusion
Hey there, Alex from Sexology Bae here! I’m beyond excited to write this guest post about one of my favorite topics, ethical non-monogamy or ENM. As a twentysomething, within my lifetime I’ve seen ENM go from a relatively unknown alternative lifestyle more commonly associated with kink communities to a better-known…
Guest Post: Victimhood Knows No Gender
Guest posts are highlights from authors who know more than me. I’m really excited to get some more voices on this website, especially about things I may not be the best person to speak about, such as gender fluidity, trans issues, or very specific areas of kink I haven’t explored.…
Guest Post: Birthday Bruises
Guest posts are part of a once monthly highlight from authors who know more than me. I’m really excited to get some more voices on this website, especially about things I may not be the best person to speak about, such as gender fluidity, trans issues, or very specific areas…
Guest Post: Gender Fluidity
Starting last month, I’m offering one monthly slot to a guest author in the sex blogging community! I’m really excited to get some more voices on this website, especially about things I may not be the best person to speak about, such as gender fluidity, trans issues, or very specific…
Guest Post: 5 Things to Consider Before You Try DD/lg

Starting this month, I’ve decided to offer one monthly slot to a guest author in the sex blogging community! I’m really excited to get some more voices on this website, especially about things I may not be the best person to speak about, such as gender fluidity, trans issues, or…